Contact us

Office hours:

Mon - Thu:    8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday:          8:00am - 3:00pm

Closed weekends / public holidays


Tel:                 +27 11 822 3267

Fax 2 email :  +27 866 757 915

Emergency *:  +27 66 105 3125


Email sales enquiries:


Email general enquiries:

Physical address **:

22 Atlas Road



South Africa



GPS Coordinates:

S 26:10’07”

E 28:11’58’


Postal address:

As per physical address



* Our emergency phone number is only available during office hours when we are experiencing a Neotel outage. If you have made several attempts to call us on 011 822 3267 during office hours with no answer, then our Neotel lines may be down and you should rather contact us via email. If you must speak to us urgently then dial the emergency mobile number above.



** Our physical address on Atlas Road in Elandsfontein is often confused with the larger Atlas Road in Boksburg. We are not in Boksburg. Please review the above map carefully and if you are using a GPS we suggest you use the coordinates provided. If you are unable to locate our Atlas Road under Elandsfontein on your GPS, you should try Henville or Germiston as the city.

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