Jute Farmers Twine

MAMBA Jute Farmers Twine is biodegradable tying twine and an economical alternative to sisal twine.  Our jute farmers twine is used primarily in the farming industry for tying of plants, where a natural fibre twine is often preferred.


  • 100% natural jute fibre
  • Bio-degradable
  • 2ply twisted twine

Popular uses:

  • Tying plants
  • General purpose
Ply Diameter (mm) Meters per kg Weight Meters Spools per bale
2 ply 1.5 1111 +- 7.5kg 8332 6
Ply Dia. (mm) Mtrs. per kg Wght. Mtrs. Per bale
2 ply 1.5 1111 +- 7.5kg 8332 6
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